Fairytale Life
My life, my thoughts, my dreams... My fairytale!!
Live Laugh Love

Thursday, August 4, 2011
The BIG Change was coming....
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Mommy time!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
My (Almost) Angel's
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The start of my thoughts....
My life is a rollercoaster as most lives are. This seem to be going in a straight path then boom it drops and then slowly goes back up and at times gives you few twists and turns. This is how life was meant to be. No ones life is just written in stone, it is what you make it and how you choose to live it. Now before you sit there and say something, yes I do believe that everything in life, good or bad, happens for a reason… even if we don’t know the reason. I have had more then my share of bad but I have had more good. The bad and the good are the things that make you who you are today. The bad has made me a stronger women.
I am me and I will only ever be me. This blog is about me and my family and my life. I will talk about past, present and furture. This is where I can talk about all my crazy thoughts and ideas.
Remember, life your life the way you want and deserve and never never give up on your dreams!